I was so excited when Shelley sent me a message and said that she and David would be home from Texas for the holidays and they wanted to get together for a family photo shoot. I knew it would be a blast, and I was right. Ever since Jeff and I photographed Shelly and David’s engagement and then their wedding we have had a special bond with this family. Looking forward to seeing them again soon.
I have the ability to read minds….just thought you would want to know. Before the Woodards came to our house for Landon’s newborn shoot, I thought it would be so cute to have him in a little tent, like he was camping, and (here comes the mind reading part) that is the theme of his nursery!!! I mean look at the cute moose his mother made and brought to the shoot too. Maybe she’s a mind reader too.
This sweet little girl made us work hard for these pictures, but it was so worth it. When her mom finally got her to sleep, she was perfectly happy to let me mold her.
Sweet little Miss Kinley came to my house to play again and we got so lucky. You would never know from the pictures that it was December. The weather was so warm and the rain held off until we were completely finished. Kinley was the happiest baby and those dimples are so adorable.
The momma of these three little boys has her hands full. Twin 3 year old boys and a one year old must keep her running all the time. I know they kept me running!!!