This sweet family is celebrating 5 years of marriage, and Miss Tynlee turning two. At first Miss Tynlee wasn’t in to having her picture made at all, but she finally settled down and then we had some fun.
I love when friends have me take their family pictures. It’s great seeing the families grow and being able to capture it for them, and this sweet family holds a special place in my heart.
Josh is a former student of mine, and I was so excited when he asked me to take pictures as he proposed to his girlfriend. He led her to the most beautiful spot over looking the city. He had written her a letter, and he had her read the letter with her back to him. When she turned around he was on his knee and he popped the question, and she said yes!!! And then we had a great time doing a quick engagement session before they went and celebrated with their friends and family.
I was so excited to meet this sweet little girl. Her mom and dad have prayed for her for such a long time, and just last week they got the call they had waited on for years. They had been chosen to be the parents to this precious little girl. 1 Samuel 1:27 For this child I have prayed…
How cute is this family? These kids are great, Abbey and Jenna were so well behaved. We had a lot of fun. We were also lucky to get beautiful day and beautiful light. Here are a few favorites from the session. Enjoy!
I always look forward to seeing this sweet family for so many reasons. One, the children are so adorable!!! Liam just cracks me up, I love to talk with him, and Heidi is just so cute. Another reason I love to see them, I always love to see the precious outfits their mother has picked out for them. I mean seriously, the dresses she finds for Heidi are so cute. And finally, I just love talking and spending time with Jessica. She is such a good mom, so laid back, and you can really tell how much she loves being a mom to these two sweet babies. Oh and Drew, it was good seeing you too!!!
The last time I saw this cutie was at his newborn shoot, and we didn’t know it at the time, but he had a broken clavicle. As soon as he heard my voice this time he started crying. I think he was having a flash back. lol But then he got happy, and seemed to forgive me for the first time we met and we had the best time ever. He is so adorable, I love those cheeks!!