Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Joseph and Elizabeth

This wedding was a special one for me. First of all the bride and I work together, and she is one of the best special education teachers I have ever worked with. Secondly their wedding was at the Birmingham Museum of Art!!! Joseph and Elizabeth chose to only have one groomsman, and one bridesmaid, but they had three of the cutest flower girls ever, and the triplet ring bearers were the cutest things ever. Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness. IMG_0935 GP6A1508 IMG_0111 IMG_0556 IMG_0064 IMG_0102a IMG_0154 GP6A1276 GP6A1287a IMG_0276 IMG_0283 GP6A1176 GP6A1182 GP6A1194 GP6A1267 GP6A1538 IMG_0187 IMG_0296 IMG_0486a IMG_0520 IMG_0648 IMG_0313 IMG_0323a IMG_0332 IMG_0402 IMG_0409 IMG_0422 IMG_0430 IMG_0449 IMG_0461 IMG_0351 IMG_0357 IMG_0363 IMG_0371 IMG_0753 GP6A1671a IMG_0781 IMG_0794 GP6A1693 GP6A1725 GP6A1887 <IMG_1054 IMG_1026a IMG_1037 IMG_1154a IMG_1168a IMG_1188 IMG_1407 IMG_1433a

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Parker Marie

My sweet little grand-niece was in a very somber mood for her 6 month old pictures. We did get a few smiles out of her. Doesn’t she have the most beautiful, blue eyes? GP6A0855 GP6A0885 GP6A0919a GP6A0948 IMG_0014 IMG_0108 IMG_0114 IMG_0140 IMG_0182 IMG_0187b IMG_0220ab

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